About us
For a number of years we have developed the idea of creating a number of exclusive drinks with a new and unique concept of highest quality. The choice of Lapland was obvious, it is for a good reason known as "the last wilderness of Europe". Lapland is not only renown throughout the world but also one of the most beautiful places on earth.
With a strive for perfection together with a strong vision and determined to create something exceptional we started to develop our drinks. In form of unique recipes, distinctive bottles and well thought out brands we have created something rare, a worldwide unique concept of highest quality!
"We are looking forward to share our drinks with you, our love to Lapland and our journey ahead."
Lapland Water AB, Gällivare, Sweden
With a strive for perfection together with a strong vision and determined to create something exceptional we started to develop our drinks. In form of unique recipes, distinctive bottles and well thought out brands we have created something rare, a worldwide unique concept of highest quality!
"We are looking forward to share our drinks with you, our love to Lapland and our journey ahead."
Lapland Water AB, Gällivare, Sweden
Business concept

Our business idea is to market and sell alcoholic beverages of a Lapland and northern Swedish concept in relation to our ingredients (berries, fruits, spices and herbs) and the packing.
We focus on building strong brands and having excellent customer relations.
Our goal is to manage our own production and too meet all of our customers requirements to the best of our ability. The recipes will mainly be influenced by northern Swedish commodities.
Lapland Water AB, Gällivare Sweden